Here, you will find all the information on how to claim the prize money in DreamHack official esport tournaments, Hackathons, Creative, Cosplay and all other competitions with cash prizes arranged by DreamHack. The following rules apply to all contestants and are non-negotiable. For team based games one person is responsible for claiming the money if claimed as a private person.
Be sure to make a claim for your prize money within 30 days from winning, otherwise the claim is invalid. This is to make sure we will be able to pay you within 90 days from winning. The preferred and fastest way to claim your prize money is by using the prize money form found here.
All prize money will be paid in the Swedish currency SEK, EUR or in USD, depending on the tournament and/or competition that you have competed in.
The prize money is only exempted from tax and social fees if your winning team is organized as a company/association or a non-profit organization.
If you are claiming your prize money as a private individual, per Swedish law, you have to pay social fees and taxes since you will be receiving your prize money as a form of salary. For team based games one person is responsible for claiming the money if claimed as a private person.
If you want to make a claim for the prize money as a company/association or a non-profit organization, we request that you send us an invoice with the following information stated clearly:
• Name of the event (e.g. DreamHack Summer 2019)
• Name of tournament and placement (e.g. Counter-Strike Global Offensive, place 2)
• Name of contestant/team/company
• Your contact info such as mail address and phone number (including country code)
The invoice shall be made out to:
VAT No: SE556845876301
• The invoice shall be made out in the currency that is stated in the tournament rules.
• The invoice shall have a due date 90 days’ time from the end of the event.
• The invoice shall contain bank information including IBAN & SWIFT/BIC and routing number if you are a citizen of the United States.
For invoices within the EU the VAT number must be written on the invoice, if, by local tax law, no VAT number is needed this exception must be stated clearly on the invoice (EXAMPLE: “EXEMPT FROM VAT ACCORDING TO LOCAL REGULATIONS”).
Send invoice to
The Swedish government will see the prize money as salary. DreamHack AB must therefore deduct both a general payroll tax and employment tax from the won prize amount, before the money is paid out an individual.
Mail with the following information:
• Full name
• Swedish person number
• Telephone
• Mobile phone
• Email
• Home Address
• Name of the bank (eg Swedbank)
• Clearing Number
• Account Number
• Which tournament you participated in
The Swedish government will see the prize money as salary. DreamHack AB must therefore deduct both a general payroll tax and employment tax from the won prize amount, before the money is paid out an individual.
If you are a non-resident of Sweden, you must download the form “DreamHack Prize Money” (Download link below) and fill in all the information and make a photo copy of your passport. All papers shall be delivered to DreamHack by email.
• Download the form PDF or XLS
• Fill in all information correctly
• Make a photo copy of your passport
• Hand the form and photo copy of passport to your admin at location and send it by email to DreamHack.
PLEASE NOTE: DreamHack will deduct “Special income tax on non-residents” and social taxes before the transfer of the money. The normal handling time for The Swedish Tax Agency is 4-8 weeks so please make sure to send us the documents as soon as possible. Depending on the winner’s residency the “Special income tax on non-residents” will be different, please contact your local tax offices for current rates and fees.